Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Top Five Wednesday

My friends and family are really good at giving advice. I always take it into consideration what they say. But, I might not follow it. In the end, they are usually right.

1)If you don't love it, don't buy it.
My mom has told me this my entire life. I apply it to everything in my life. If I like the way I look in a pair of jeans, but I don't love the, I leave it at the store. If I am shopping for a new desk chair, and I don't love it, I leave it at the store. There are too many options to own things that you only like, and not love.

2)If you don't learn anything, at least have fun.
When I was in elementary school in Culpeper, there was a few months that Mom dropped me and Karen off at school every morning. As we'd get out of the car, she told us this every morning. 

3) Give him a chance.
My boyfriend James and I have been together for almost two years. Our anniversary is this weekend. (I'll be writing a mushy post about us later this week!) When a mutual friend first tried to set us up, I was very resistant. I'd gone through a bunch of bad breakups. I had been taken advantage of. I was tired of guys only trying to talk to me for sex, and when they realized that sex isn't wasn't I was looking for, they'd disappear. But back to James.I thought he was too dorky, and for being an IT guy, it didn't seem right that he had his Facebook set to public. My friends told me to stop judging a book by it's cover, and just go out with him. They were right. He's dorky in a video game, comic book, nerdy way. I'm dorky in my own bookworm, Disney princess, Harry Potter way.

4)Don't drink when upset.
Alcoholism and addiction runs on both sides of my family. I've always tried to avoid drinking, or other habits like that, when upset. I don't want to get into that habit. 

5)Pray often.
I don't go to church as often as I should.  I love my church. I love the women in my Bible Study group. I still pray a lot. I  know that things are out of my hands, and it's not up to me. I'll pray when things are good. I'll pray when I need guidance. I'll send up a prayer for patients at my desk, that seem to be struggling. It helps me feel better. And I know that there is always someone there, listening to me. 

Nicole at Whispered Words Forever Captured also wrote about the advice she's received.  Make sure to check it out!

What is the best advice you've received? 


  1. Lol you didn't want to date James bc his fb was public...?

    1. I was thinking that for and IT guy, nerdy guy, he must not be very smart to not have any privacy settings. It was before I met him

  2. I think "don't drink when upset" is the number one thing OTHER people would say I say lol. For exactly the same reasons.
